Michail Tamiolakis
Michail Tamiolakis
Head of Business Development


Michail heads the business development efforts of Principalline, Ltd.. He is responsible for increasing the company revenues by identifying and developing new partnerships as well as expanding brand presence.


With a bachelors’ degree in International Business from European School of Economics (Milan, Italy), Michail is currently leading Principalline, Ltd.’s Business Development activities. He is an executive grown through the provision of international freight forwarding services.

Passionate with luxury furniture & equipment, he has served as an Exclusive Consultant & Advisor of Strato Cucine in Greece. Michail has additionally served as an Independent Board Member of Belovo Paper Mill S.A. in Bulgaria.

He is fluent in Greek, English and Italian.

Professional Experience

  • Principalline, Ltd., Athens, Greece
    Head of Business Development
  • Strato Cucine, Athens, Greece
    Exclusive Consultant & Advisor
  • Belovo Paper Mill S.A., Belovo, Bulgaria
    Independent Board Member

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